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Premium Quinoa seeds - A low carb substitute for rice!

Premium Quinoa seeds - A low carb substitute for rice!

Regular price Rs. 110.00
Regular price Sale price Rs. 110.00
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  1. Nutritatva’s white Quinoa is high value seed rich in antioxidants, minerals and protein.
  2. This Quinoa has been washed and cleaned extensively and has a clean taste.
  3. Each serving (25 g) provides 92 Kcal of energy, 16 g carbohydrate, 3.53 g protein and 1.51 g fat. It is ready to cook just like rice:
  4. Take two cups of water in a pot and add 1 cup Quinoa to it. Boil it with lid covered till water disappears slowly.
  5. You can have it with any curry, dal, Kadhi, Sambhar etc. T
  6. his can be added to soup or salad or can be garnished with stir fried vegetables. This is a gluten free food product.
  7. There is no added colour or preservatives or any other food additive.

Premium pre-washed Quinoa seeds is available in various pack sizes of 200g, 500g or 1000g

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